Classic Urn Vase, Foliage: Ivy, Variegated Pittosporum, Pale Pink Larkspur, Pale Pink Roses, Lavender Carnations, Pale Pink Asiatic Lilies, White Calycina.
The Pink Paradise arrangement makes love look so sweet! The pink larkspur, Asiatic lilies, and roses pair elegantly with the white calycina and lavender carnations to create a delicate and dreamy arrangement. With its pretty pastel tones, this arrangement is sure to dazzle the one you love!
Red Ginger Vase, White Hydrangeas, Pink Larkspur, Pink Stargazer Lilies, Pink Wax Flower, Red Roses.
As if hand-picked by Aphrodite herself, love is abundant in this arrangement! Fresh red roses, fragrant Stargazer lilies, white hydrangeas, and pink larkspur spin a love story worthy of any divine being. This is on eembrace they'll never want to let go!
Rose Vase , Dusty Miller, Pink Hydrangea, Pink Gerberas, Pink Roses, Pink Spray Roses, White Larkspur, Pink Snapdragons, White Oriental Lilies.
Our dearest treasures are the ones we hold closest to our hearts. Treat your dearest treasure to a special arrangement filled with lovely pink roses, gerberas, snapdragons and white Oriental lilies. These delicate flowers are bursting with color and perfect for many occasions.
Roses have always been the traditional way to say "I love you," and what better time to say those special words than on your anniversary? TOWNE FLOWERS in Spring can help you send roses, or any other anniversary flowers you think your sweetie would like. We want to help you make the most of your gift, tell us all about your significant other and we can create something one-of-a-kind, just for them! Forget an anniversary? Let us help you get out of the doghouse with a bouquet of her favorite blooms!